Item Table Configuration Examples

This page will show you a few examples of item table configuration for you to get inspiration


# Between 1 to 2 unique items will be chosen among the listed items
amount: 1-2
  # 'steel_sword' here is just an identifier. It doesn't represent any actual value
    chance: 2
    amount: 1
    material: IRON_SWORD
    display-name: "&aSteel Sword"
      unbreaking: 2
      sharpness: 1
    chance: 2
    amount: 2-5
    material: DIAMOND
    chance: 3
    amount: 1-2
    material: GOLDEN_APPLE
    chance: 1
    amount: 1
    # 'mi:' lets RPGChest know it should look for an MMOItem item with the id 'KATAN'
    item: mi:KATANA
# Here is the probability for each item to be chosen, considering their chance value
# steel_sword: 2 out of 8 (2 + 2 + 3 + 1) as its chance is 2
# diamonds: 2 out of 8
# golden_apples: 3 out of 8
# katana: 1 out of 8

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