Recipe Pattern

A quick explanation of recipe patterns


Recipe patterns allow you to make crafting recipes more difficult to obtain than just leveling their profession to the required level. Should a crafting recipe not be known by default, the players will have to find the pattern in order to be able to craft it.

Creating Patterns

Creating a pattern for your recipes is very (very) easy! In the item/recipe configuration file, where you've configured the specific item and its recipe, add the following line:

default: false

This will make the recipe not known by default, i.e. players won't be able to craft the item by just reaching the required level. They'll have to find the matching pattern.

RPProfessions will take care of the rest and generate the patterns for you

In-Game Patterns

Here is an example of how a recipe pattern would look like in-game:

Players simply have to right-click the pattern and if they have the required profession and level, they'll be able to craft the item and see the recipe in their /recipes menu.

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